sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2009

Social Code

Social Code é uma banda de rock alternativo do Canadá.


Travis Nesbitt - Vocal
Morgan Gies - Guitarra
Logan Jacobs - Baixo
Ben Shillabeer - Bateria


Binbox - como Fifth Season
Patiently Waiting (2001) - como Fifth Season
A Year at the Movies (2004)
Social-Code (2007)
Rock 'n' Roll (2009)

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2007 - Social - Code

1."He Said, She Said"
2."Bomb Hands"
3."Everyday (Late November)"
4."The Shortest Line"
5."Forever Always Ends"
6."Don't Tell Me"
7."10 Seconds to Go"
9."Without You"
10."The Best You Never Had"
11."Forever Always Ends" (Acoustic)
12."Everyday (Late November)" (Acoustic)

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2009 - Rock 'n' Roll

1. Rock 'n' Roll
2. Nothing Left To Lose
3. Satisfied
4. Buy Buy Baby
5. Real Girl
6. Fight For Love
7. You Never Know What You Got Until It's Gone
8. Stay
9. I'm Not OK
10. Too Late For Tomorrow

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